Saturday, November 9, 2013

So Kabuto WASN'T a Badass?

The Naruto Shippuden anime is currently doing the Kabuto vs Uchiha Brothers fight. Now I barely paid attention to this fight in the manga, so a lot of what I'm seeing in it is new to me. So when it was revealed that the reason Kabuto had turned himself into an even bigger freak than Orochimaru was because he felt that he had no talent, I was very shocked.

Kabuto has no talent? Really? Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we. I remember when I was younger and was watching the original Naruto series. Back then, there weren't 8048302 badass Jounin-level characters like there are now. At that point, the baddest ninja in the show was pretty much Kakashi. So when Kabuto showed up on the scene, and killed multiple ANBU members in 2 seconds and actually proved to be a challenge to Kakashi, I was hyped. Anyone who can throw Kakashi off his game isn't someone to be taken lightly.

Then later on in the show, Kabuto fought one of the legendary Sannin and did very well against her. And I'm a Tsunade fanboy; I'm not a part of the "she's a weak bitch" crowd, so I view Kabuto holding up against her as an incredible feat. Also, during that fight, Tsunade commented on how great Kabuto's medical skills were and that she was "never that quick or precise, even in her prime". The guy weakened her super strength, and when Tsunade temporarily fucked up his brain synapses so that his muscle controls were all scrambled, Kabuto, in the span of a minute, learned all the new ways his body moved so that he could keep fighting. In. A. Minute.

So Kabuto could have went toe to toe with Kakashi if he had to, and he held his own against a SANNIN, but he has no talent. WTF. And he handled Yamato (an experienced Jounin), Naruto, and Sakura at the same time in the early Shippuden episodes. But he has no talent. Come on now.

You know, maybe this shows how crazy and broken Kabuto really is. Putting Kabuto's tragic backstory into perspective, the fact that he couldn't see how skilled he was, and he felt that he had to steal the abilities from other people to be great is really sad. Embrace your own identity sir. You are Kabuto Yakushi, a skilled shinobi and Orochimaru's bitch boy. Own that shit.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Does the Good Outweigh the Bad?

I never like admitting my flaws, but we all have them. Nobody's perfect. Missy Elliot told me that.

So one of my negative traits is that I have a tendency to complain a lot. Now I do believe that talking about what troubles you is healthy and all, but I tend to harp on the same shit over and over again. I'm currently doing this right now with an issue I'm having, so I decided to write this post.

Don't worry folks, I'm not about to bitch about my issues. Actually, this post is to remind myself of how blessed I am. I really forget this sometimes and I shouldn't. So instead of constantly focusing on the negative, I'm going to take a moment to focus on some of the positives in my life. I'm so fortunate to have the loving family that I do, and the few good friends that I do. I'm fortunate to have a job in this economy, and I'm fortunate to have a roof over my head and food to eat. I'm fortunate to have a love life that's slowly getting back on track. And I'm fortunate that I have an audience on YouTube. I really love vlogging (hell I wish it was my real job), and I'm so glad that there are people who enjoy watching my videos. Now I may be a small YouTuber, but whenever I see comments from people saying that they don't ever want me to stop vlogging, I feel so grateful. It really is the most humbling shit ever.

So while I am still feeling down about my current predicament, I really need to remember all the good things I still have in my life. Seriously, my life could be so much worse.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Things Are Looking Up

Back in July, I wrote my first blog post. It was about me being crazy depressed about graduating college and not being able to find a job. It was really difficult for me to write, and I still can't believe I made it public. Well I'm happy to report that my prayers have finally, FINALLY been answered. *Does the Happy Fish Dance*

It's like my mom says: He may not come when you want Him, but He'll be there right on time. I could have used Him a little sooner when my bank account was happier, but I am not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially right now. I tell you, so much stress has been lifted off of my shoulders.

My job is in the legal field, and I have dreamed for the longest time of having a career in government. I am super excited for this job; I just hope that I don't do anything to screw it up... But considering how long it took me to catch a break, I am NOT about to mess up now. Believe it!

P.S. I just wanted to say thank you to my family and my friends who knew about the stress I was going through and prayed and cheered me on every step of the way.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Being Open, Being Real, Being Me

For Power Rangers' 20th birthday, I made a video celebrating it. And in said video, I stated that, "I am not ashamed to be a Power Rangers fan".

Well thinking about it now, I wonder how true that is. Don't get me wrong, I love the show, and I have been making YouTube videos discussing various aspects of it for two years now. These videos are public and on the internet, so clearly there is a part of me that doesn't give a fuck who knows.

However... if I truly didn't care who knows, why is it that I don't tell too many people in my real life that I like PR? I can count on my fingers the number of friends and family that are aware of my love of PR, my YouTube channel, my Twitter, my Instagram, and my Blog. Why is that? Am I that worried about how they will react? Eh, maybe. I think I'd feel weird knowing that they are watching me and seeing just how geeky I can really be. And you know I can be really geeky. Plus I don't want them saying my real name on my channel. That's something I want to keep private.

But the older I get, the less fucks I have to give about many things. If I want to make real and strong friendships, then I need to start being more open with people. Yes, I like geeky things. I like PR. I like anime. I know way too much about both PR and Naruto. Deal with it!

Believe it or not, I am a private person by nature, so I'm not opening up about everything in my life. Only a chosen few ever get that close to me, and I pretty much have those positions filled (Sup guys). However, I can tell people I like PR. I can tell people I vlog about the show on YouTube. Who cares? If they do, then I shouldn't be fucking with them anyway.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Power Rangers Season Idea

I guess today I felt like stepping into fanfiction territory. Well kinda. This idea randomly popped into my head today, and it's something that I actually wouldn't mind seeing in a Power Rangers season. So if yours truly were to ever be in charge of writing for PR (it'll never freaking happen), this is what I'd want to create. And yes, I know that Super Sentai limits a lot of things that PR can do, but let's just pretend that this is a perfect world and PR can do whatever it wants.

Alright, here's my idea. This would be a three man team, two guys and one girl, and they would be aliens. Yup, more alien rangers. Earthlings can't get all the power. Anyway, these rangers (Red, Blue, and Yellow) would be in charge of protecting their home world. However, one day their planet was invaded by an evil alien empire. The rangers fought their hardest against the threat, but the evil empire proved to be too powerful. Not only were the rangers defeated, but their entire planet was destroyed. Gasp!

At first, I actually thought that destroying a whole planet might be a little much for Power Rangers, fanfiction or not. But then I remembered that PR has done similar storylines before. In the beginning of SPD, Grumm destroyed a planet, and later on we learned that Grumm invaded Doggie's home planet and killed his entire race. Not to mention RPM and its whole apocalypse thing.

Back to the story. So after this, the evil empire (let's just call them The Dark Ones) turns its attention to Earth. The Dark Ones feel that it would be a worthy challenge to conquer a planet that has proven to be unconquerable for so many years. The three rangers are saddened and angry over their fallen planet and swear to not let such a thing happen ever again. So these three haul ass to Earth to protect it.

Once the rangers arrive on Earth, they set up a base there and fight off The Dark Ones as they send down one monster at a time to face our heroes (can't mess with tradition). Hell let's give them a robot assistant too just for shits and giggles.

While livng on Earth, the rangers try their best to learn Earth's customs, which leads to many wacky moments. It'll be soooooo funny you guys. >_> Eventually one of the guy rangers, most likely Red, will meet an Earth woman and fall in love. The two date and soon the woman discovers that he's a ranger. After learning such a great secret, she decides that she wants to be a ranger too and fight beside her beloved. The Red Ranger is adamantly against this, but the woman gains access to the rangers' alien technology and makes her own damn morpher and joins the fight! Yeah, she's Billy-level smart. Convenient right? The Red Ranger, after seeing how well his girlfriend does in battle, lets her join the team with no protest. I'm thinking she would be the White Ranger.

Also, as the story progresses, the rangers will come face to face against an evil ranger. This evil bastard will have been a former teammate who betrayed his comrades to join The Dark Ones. Furthermore, this evil ranger (let's make him a Gold Ranger) will not be under any spell, and he will not turn good by the end of the story. Yep, for once the evil ranger stays evil. Always wanted to see a story like that in PR (don't mention A Squad to me...).

And somewhere along the way, I guess they'll gain another ranger (Black). We've never had a four man ranger team before, and it just looks weird in my head, so let's just throw an extra one in here. He could have been a part of the team back in the day when there was Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, and Black. Before The Dark Ones attacked the rangers' home planet, the Gold Ranger had led Black somewhere private and "killed" him. But shock of all shock, Black survived. He was hurt for quite some time, but now he's back to 100% and ready for some payback!

So there it is. This is pretty much all I came up with so far. Like I said, it was just a random thought I had, and I decided to blog about. So if anyone happens to read this, leave me a comment telling me what kind of PR story or theme you would want to see in the show.

Ja mata!  じゃまた.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

I Miss You Neko-chan

On June 25, 2013, Ryo-Ohki, my youngest cat, passed away. It's been a little over a month since he died, and I still can't believe he's gone. I was around 10 years old when I first got him, and he had been in my life for 12 years. I remember when he used to be so tiny I could hold him in one hand, and I remember when he grew up to be a gigantic beast.

I loved that cat.

No. I love that cat. My oldest cat Ken-Ohki (if you know where I got the names for my cats, we can be friends) is still alive, which I am grateful for. However, after Ryo-Ohki's death, Ken-Ohki has become incredibly clingy. I mean, he wants to be around me constantly.

You have to understand that my cat was NEVER the clingy type. He has always been playful, but he was never in your face 24/7 like he is now. He usually kept to himself a lot, handling his cat business, and really only bothered me when he wanted something, i.e. food. But since Ryo died, he is always near. Sleeping in my bed for hours, following me all around the house, and he never shuts up. Oh my LORD, he never shuts up. Meow, meow, meow, meow, fucking meow.

I love him, but daddy needs a break sometimes. Sadly, I feel that he's just lonely now. He and Ryo were together for years and now it's only him. Funny thing is, I originally got/begged-my-mom-for Ryo because I was worried that Ken-Ohki was lonely during the hours that I was at school and my mom was at work.

Sigh. Regardless of the complaining, I'm not looking forward to the day that I have to say goodbye to Ken-Ohki too. I don't think I'll ever get anymore pets again. They don't live as long as humans, and it hurts when your child dies before you do.

Ryo-Ohki on the left, Ken-Ohki on the right.

Extra pic :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Super Megaforce Plots That Will Never Be

Oh Super Duper Megaforce. So much potential, but I don't expect much from you at the moment. Power Rangers has such a rich history that is just waiting to be tapped into, but honestly I don't think this season will. At least, I don't think it will at the level that it should. Remember, this is the 20TH ANNIVERSARY season where people don't know what a Power Ranger is or that aliens fucking exist... Lawd Geezus...

Now Super Megaforce may surprise me and turn out to be very good. I mean, Megaforce is... decent so far and is LEAGUES ahead of Samurai. However, that still doesn't change the fact that there are many things that I KNOW the writers won't do in this season. Things that I would have loved to see. And that's what this blog post is about. I'm going to list some of the things that I think would have been cool to see in Super Megaforce. Oh the fangasms that will never be.

1. Tommy and Kat Married:
I'm still pissed that we're not getting a Mighty Morphin tribute episode with most of the MMPR people. But I get it. It was too expensive for a multimillion dollar company to bring them back. Fair enough. However, for me it would have been cool to at least see Tommy and Kat appear for an episode together and be married. That silly christmas episode from Zeo hinted that they'd end up together. It would be a nice and simple way to build on the show's history.

2. Billy:
There's so much that could've been done if they brought back old Billy boy. Last time we saw him, he decided to stay on Aquitar so that he could fuck around with some fish lady. A tribute episode could've led to some focus on the Aquitian rangers as well as Billy. Two birds with one stone! I'm very curious about what's going on with William these days. Is he married? Does he have kids? If so, are they Power Rangers? Maybe have Billy show up on Earth to give the Megaforce rangers a new weapon. Or perhaps the villains want to kidnap Billy and use his incredible genius for their own evil purposes, and the Megaforce teens have to save him. Hell thinking about it, Billy probably should've been the mentor for this season...

3.Gosei's backstory:
Let's be honest. They are not going to explain where the hell Gosei comes from or how he ended up on Earth. I tried to have faith that they would but... they won't. They barely focus on him in the episodes now. He's just this giant, tiki looking plot hole, and the writers are content with that. "Oh, let's just say Zordon placed him on Earth. Those old, crusty fans will love that." NO! I don't love that. Not if you're not going to explain when Zordon did this. But even if they do explain it, will they do so in a way that makes sense? The only time Zordon could have ever "placed" Gosei on Earth was during Turbo. Gosei could not have been on Earth during MMPR, otherwise Zordon should have contacted him for help during the 908904839 crises that happened during that time. Do the writers know that though? Doubt it.

And I'm not even touching that fact that Gosei missed multiple alien/demon/mutant attacks before finally waking his ass up from his deep sleep. Sigh why couldn't he just have been a friend of Zordon's from Eltar who decided to come to Earth this year to help the humans fight against an upcoming threat? Hell, why did the Megaforce rangers need a mentor anyway? It's not like Gosei has done a lot so far. Why not just have the Morphin Grid act on its own and pick some rangers. If it can talk to Kira and Ethan and show them the future, it can pick some rangers.

4. Troy's Visions:
Oh Troy. This guy has got to be the blandest red ranger we have evah had. The writers do nothing interesting with him, and all his character interactions suck. But he can see da fewchaa! Why, we don't know, but I'm curious to find out. Too bad we probably never will.

Power Rangers fan Fury Diamond, who seems to be in the know about a lot of behind the scenes stuff with PR, stated that the writers originally had a plan to explain why Troy can see the future in his dreams... but this plan was later scrapped. Ugh. So they have time to shove a shitty music episode in Megaforce at the last minute, but they can't be bothered to explain why Troy is clairvoyant?  We still know nothing about this walking mannequin other than he's the red ranger. Seeing a story arc explaining his visions could have been cool. Oh well...

5. Referencing Countdown to Destruction:
This is on the list because I'm just tired of this not being brought up. This was the most important war in Power Rangers history, and it's NEVER brought up (except for in Lost Galaxy because LG is awesome). The villains conquered Earth. Hell, they conquered the universe. The rangers should be reading about it in their history class.

If any season should bring C2D up, it's this one. But it won't. *Cries thug tears* T_T

6. Jake and Gia Dating:
Ok, this one may actually happen. At least I hope it does. I want to see these two become a couple and date a couple times in the show. That could be fun and it could lead to lots of wacky antics. Buuuut I'm not getting my hopes up. Power Rangers has a bad track record with romance these days. If Jake and Gia never date and only end up together during the last scene in the finale, I will scream.

I want these two crazy kids to be the new Zack and Angela. Let them date!

I'm sure there's more, but I'm done with this list for now. So listen. I'm going to be fair and not judge Super Megaforce for not doing everything I want it to do because they do only have 20 episodes to work with next year. They have to balance focus on the current team of rangers with tributes to the past seasons. That can't be easy. So really, I just want to be entertained. Just do that, and I won't bitch (too much).

Nevertheless, I will always think about what could have been. If Power Rangers could have had a 40+ episode adaptation of Gokaiger, imagine the possibilites. Under capable writers who know the Power Rangers lore, we really could've had something great.

P.S. Check out when I did this for Power Rangers Supah Samurai.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sakura... This is Your Last Chance.

I consider myself a Naruto fan. If you have been to my YouTube channel, you may have seen my karaoke-level covers of a couple of its theme songs. You might have to navigate through a lot of Power Rangers videos, but damn it, they are there lol

I started watching it during my teen years, and I now read the manga. And while I consider the original Naruto series to be waaaaaaay better than it's sequel, Naruto Shippuden still has entertaining and moving moments in it.

Now a couple of years ago, I made a video titled "Naruto Rant: Are Female Ninjas Worthless?"

As you may have gathered, this video was about how the kunoichi of Naruto don't really do much compared to the male ninjas. It's cool that some of them are masters at healing, but I watch/read Naruto to see muthafuckas break people's spines, not to see them play doctor.

So this brings me to Sakura. I used to like Sakura back in the day. She was weak, and she knew it, but she wanted to change that and get better. However, YEARS have passed since she made a promise to herself to become a great ninja... and this bitch has the nerve to still suck. Oh, but she's super strong now. Ok cool, but what good is that if she NEVER hits anyone with it. At least my girl Tsunade landed some hits.

In the manga, there is currently a big ninja war going on. Spoilers ahead if you don't read the manga. Right now, Sasuke has decided to fight with Naruto against the enemy. As these two were about to fight, Sakura jumped her ass over next to them and declared that she was on their level, saying Tsunade trains her disciples as good as the other Sannin and that she's not just a weak woman. HAHAHA!

Ok, look. Seeing Team 7 together again was AMAZING. The nostalgia slapped the shit out of me, and it felt so good. And when those three used the summoning jutsu together, I almost died and saw King Jesus. However, Miss Sakura implied that she was on the level of Naruto and Sasuke. Ok, show me. Show me why you're on their level. All she has done so far is smash a bunch of grunts and summon a snail. I want MORE.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura summoned their animals, and I (silly me) thought that Sakura was going to be fighting with her team. Nope! She goes to heal people. OMG. Are you serious right now?! Go fight! Fuck those nobody ninjas; nobody wants to see you healing them. Show us how much you've grown. Go super punch the Ten Tails in the face like a bad bitch. Something, ANYTHING but healing.

Sigh. I will say this though: this war isn't over yet. Sakura still has time to do something significant.

At the end of the current chapter (Chapter 639), Obito has grabbed Naruto and Sasuke. This right here is an opportunity for Sakura to shine. In Chapter 640, she BETTER be the one that saves them. If not, well then she better do something incredible in the fight. This is Sakura's last chance to prove to everyone that she is a great ninja. That she is on Naruto and Sasuke's level (well close to it at least). If she does nothing else in this war, I am done with her. Stop focusing on her and feeding us bullshit dialogue if you're not really going to have her do anything Kishimoto.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

You Plan, God LOLs

When I was in high school, I pretty much had my life planned out. Or so I thought. I would go to college, find the woman I would marry, graduate, go to law school, become a prosecutor, and live a nice stable life. Well currently, the only things from this list that have actually happened is that I went to college and I graduated.

And while some would say that attending and graduating a university is a great accomplishment, right now it doesn't really feel that way. I decided to take a break from school and get some work experience. I wanted to start making my own money and start actually living life. Travel. Rent an apartment with my best friend. Basically, just do whatever I want to do and not worry about studying or reading a text book.

Turns out, I probably should have just went straight to law school. I can't get a job. I can't get a job. Get a job, I can't.

I cannot tell you how frustrating this is. I knew my major wasn't the best thing in the world, but dang. I graduated from one of the top universities in my state. Hell, in America. Still can't get a job.

This hurts. It's been over six months since I graduated, and my pride is still on the floor writhing in pain. I feel like a loser. There's no other way I can describe it. I'm a loser. I'm actively avoiding many of my friends and associates from college because I don't want to answer the inevitable questions of "So what have you been up to now? Are you working?" Ugh.

What I've learned in these past six months of being a bum is that graduating from an accredited college doesn't mean much in today's economy. You need work experience. Something I'm lacking. I have some volunteer experience, and I've done a couple of internships for three months, but apparently none of that is good enough. I thought I was fortunate that I could afford to go to college without working (thanks family) and just focus on my studies. Nope. Work experience matters.

I'm willing to work. I'm willing to learn and learn fast. But no one is currently taking a chance on me. I went to two job interviews, and they led nowhere. I'm angry. I'm ashamed. I'm a loser. Sigh, I'm beating up on myself, but this is honestly how I feel right now.

The best option for me may be to go back to school. But honestly? I'm just not in the mindset for school. I'm sick of it right now. Tired of reading text books and writing 9085048 papers about topics I don't care about. Shit I can't even date right now. Who wants a man with no job? I miss intimacy, but I feel so unworthy of it. Man I hope things get better soon.